We had a wonderful weekend – lots of swimming, playtime and SUN. A little too much sun as it turns out. Sunscreen application is required here in our house, but re-application after horsing around in the pool for a bit sometimes slips our collective minds.
So two out of three had pinkish shoulders this morning – not as bad as I feared, but definitely not something that I’d like to make into a habit. I am chalking this up to not quite being in summer-mode, what with school still in session and all. You must forgive yourself a little sometimes…
As a mom, I have experienced all sorts of health-related issues with my three – upset tummies, headaches, grumbly bums. I keep a supply of drops, pills, creams and BandAids on hand for pretty much anytthing. Well, anything except a sunburn it turns out. I had nothing in my cupboard for relief from the stinging tightness on their backs. I applied cool cloths and some moisturizing cream last night, but the kids were complaining after school and apparently were so sore, they couldn’t possibly carry their backpacks home! Insert exaggerated eye-roll here.
According to my good friend, if I don’t have an aloe vera plant (which I don’t because I KILL everything) I am supposed to apply vinegar. Yes, vinegar. Now, you more experienced moms may be shaking your heads at me, thinking, well of course you apply vinegar to a sunburn. I, on the other hand, could only envision my son emitting loud screams of pain as I rubbed it on his poor, raw, pink skin.
Alas, I was wrong. A quick search and voila – it’s true. Some believe vinegar has antiseptic properties, some think it takes away heat from the skin, others think this is an old wive’s tale.
The verdict?
One slightly relieved boy (whose smell is now making me crave french fries), and one relieved mom, who now has a secret weapon in her arsenal against yet another childhood woe.
So, now I’m thinking about other products I have in my pantry that could help me out in a pinch – not to mention keep chemical concoctions away from my kids….Suggestions, anyone??