
Welcome to my personal blog. In Kell’s Kitchen, we’ll cook, we’ll eat, we’ll chat about all things food and family and whatever else comes up. All good parties end up in the kitchen, don’t they?.

I have a wonderful husband who forced encouraged me to get writing. We have three mostly wonderful kids, a boy, 11, a girl, 9, and another boy, 8. They are a source of joy, pain, pleasure and annoyance…usually all on the same day!

I do the work of a stay-at-home-mom…except I don’t hang around here all day. I am out and about, volunteering, helping out at the kids’ school, walking our dog, visiting friends, running, shopping or doing whatever else needs doing. My house is frequently a disaster, and I have been known to send my kids to school with mismatched socks and yesterday’s jeans. I live in a walkable neighbourhood in Ottawa; close to school, work and shopping. My kids know their neighbours and my neighbours know my kitchen is ALWAYS open!

I am hooked on Twitter, and Kell’s Kitchen was designed to provide the latest food related tweets for you. You can be sure that if someone is tweeting about food, food jobs, food problems or recipes, you will find it here.

So I invite you to share with me, comment, visit often and tell your friends.  The coffee is usually fresh and there is always something brewing, baking or bubbling in Kellskitchen.